Thursday, 6 January 2011

January Class

We wanted to post a quick picture of the project for the class due to take place on Wednesday 19 January.  The theme is Valentines Day - yes we know Christmas has only just come and gone but do you know how many Valentine's projects we've been seeing on the net lately?  Absolutely loads - that's how many and it wouldn't do for us to be left behind now would it?

This class is called 'pillow talk' and Suezie has created three different sized pillow boxes perfect for filling and gift giving to someone you love this February.  Actually they'd look every bit as pretty decorated up for Easter, Birthdays and yes even Christmas 2011 if you really want to get ahead.  In fact you really won't want to miss out on making these cute boxes because the possibilities are simply endless.

You can check out more over on Suezie's blog.  There are still just a few places left and I know Suezie is really looking forward to catching up with you all as are we.  And don't forget we still have Saturday classes planned for this year too - these were very popular last year so we plan to continue offering these. 

Can we take this opportunity to say we hope you all had a great Christmas (and that you got a few new crafting goodies too) and to wish all our customers a very happy, healthy New Year for 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Finally got around to following you , have had an RSS feed for a long time but never did the follower bit. Look forward to the 19th and 'Pillow Talk'
    x Tricia
