Thursday, 25 June 2009

Yes i am still here!!!

Hello All...... first of all let me tell you all that we have finally confirmed the date of the Autumn Workshop. It is Sunday 11th Oct........ same time and same place. Further information to follow, but it will be the 4 classes, goody bag and a make 'n' take.....i am pleased the date is set and now Sara (if you are still up for it!?) and i can get going on getting it all sorted out.

I am off to the Largest Trade show in Florida at the end of July. Marion (from Sugar and Spice) and me are going to Florida..... mum said she didn't think Florida was ready for us so now Rosina might come as well..... i am sure we will have a great time as well as finding lots of new goodies for all the shops.

Very excited that shops 3 and 4 may very well be on there way.... just a few strings to tie up before we go completely public..... but i am very excited about them.

Life as usual is very busy in the Fletcher house hold. We did the Newmarket Bead Fair on Sunday. The organisers moved my stand this time and it was really odd not being where i am used to being!!!! I am not sure if i was moved cos they told me off last time or just cos they needed the room.....but i have asked to be in a different place next time.... i felt like i didn't belong where i was.... not nice at all. As it was Fathers Day, i gave dad the day off, Mum worked at the Norwich Shop and Rosemary very kindly offered to help me out at the show. She was great and i couldn't have done it with out her.... THANK YOU VERY MUCH you are a star.

We had had a manic week the week before the show as we had 4 classes in total, 3 of which were taught by my mum..... i really don't know how we got through it but we did. Then when we got back on Sunday we had some of my dad's family over to stay for a few days.... it was lovely to see them but as we were all very very tired we really couldn't give them what we really should have but i hope they understand.

Life carrys on.... we are all knackered but still smiling..... and i am thinking of taking on more shops............ i must be mad but i love it.

Not much else to tell you. All of those of you that are looking to come on the workshop..... the Spring one was a great success and everyone loved it. The places are limited and it is filling up quick so come in and get your name on the list.

OK, i am going to turn my Computer off now!!!!!!!!!!!! No really i am!!!!!!!!!

See you all soon
Manda xx

Thursday, 4 June 2009

From Florida

Hello All from sunny Florida (well not so sunny today!)

As every a day in the life of all at YTC and Beads and Bears is always busy. I have the mamouth task of trying to pack all the lovely goodies i have bought! Not much papercrafts this time i am afraid, (that is the next trip in July!). This was (is) a big bead buying trip, and my goodness have i spent out this time!!! Judith..... you will pleased to know that your large silver beads (Should) be here today! talk about cutting it fine hey! I will have the new stuff in the shop by Monday. I fly home tomorrow and land Saturday late morning, and those of you that know me, know i am not a very nice person without sleep, and i HATE the night flight home. I am not sure if that is because i am going home and i LOVE it here in sunny Florida or if it is because it is a night flight! I think a little bit of both really.

There are a few things that i miss about home..... my bed is one of them. I think the beds here are really hard and i normally have a bad back (but that could be all the shopping as well) anyway, as i am here on my own this time i am in the master bedroom downstairs in our house. So i hatched a plan..... i am the original Princess and the Pea girl! I have brought a matress down from one of the other bedrooms and put it on top of the HUGE matress down stairs. I have to climb onto the bed and then get on the other matress. The bed is about 4 ft high!!! It is quite funny. If i get clever i will post a picture on here for you..... but me and technology are not the best of friends!

I had a small problem with the hire car as well...... The brakes were not working properly (just a little problem then!) and in the middle of a rain storm yesterday..... the wiper blades stopped working...... Fab i thought now what do i do!

Well i took the car back and i really lucked in! I had already received a free upgrade on the original car and then they decided to give me a bigger upgrade and i got a premium car for the price of an economy! Bargin!!!! lol

The healthy eating has go out the window...... i have had Vanilla cake for breakfast almost every day!

OK This is not getting the packing done...... See you all on Monday.

Amanda x